North Yorkshire Council


Selby & Ainsty Area Committee


13 December 2024


Community Safety & CCTV Update





1.1       To provide an update on Community Safety & CCTV across North Yorkshire including a focus on Community Safety Hubs, CCTV and the wider strategic Community Safety Partnership work  



2.0       SUMMARY


2.1       Update on Community Safety structure and direction of Community Safety Hubs & CCTV Services.


2.2       Update on the Community Safety Partnership arrangements and thematic work taking place.




3.1       The Community Safety & CCTV Services fall under the Local Engagement Directorate within NYC. The new structures were adopted in May 2024 however work continues to develop the services and roles across North Yorkshire.


3.2       The Crime & Disorder Act 1998 underpins the community safety activity at a strategic and operational level with the focus on problem solving and multi-agency approaches.


3.3       The CCTV Control Rooms within North Yorkshire are owned and managed by NYC. Transformation of the CCTV Service is a priority.


4.0       COMMUNITY SAFETY HUBS         


4.1       Community Safety Hubs have been in place for several years across North Yorkshire. These Hubs are currently subject to review principally around their geography and the need for a consistent working model. They continue to focus on cases that are complex and require a multi-agency approach, community engagement and reassurance.


4.2       NYC has introduced three Senior Community Safety Officers within their new structure to coordinate the local delivery. Evie Griffiths (Harrogate, Skipton, Selby), Helenor Gwatkin (Hambleton, Richmondshire), Rhian Buglass (Scarborough, Ryedale).

These posts are supported by Community Safety Officers and collocated police officers or work alongside Neighbourhood Policing Teams.


4.3       Moving forward the Community Safety Hubs will provide a local overview of activity and performance. Common themes in all localities include dealing with antisocial behaviour, early interventions, enforcement, the use of powers and tools, mental health, trauma, drugs and alcohol.


4.4       Knife bins are being installed across North Yorkshire. These are secure metal disposal units                     that allow people to deposit knives that they no longer need. Local media campaigns and             engagement will be taking place in the coming weeks. The proposed locations are                        Tadcaster, Central Car Park and Selby, Micklegate Car Park.


4.5       Targeted youth intervention and engagement Barwic Parade & Flaxley Road areas aimed            at reducing antisocial behaviour and respect. Full evaluation will assist as future provision is             explored.




5.1       Attached to the report is an introduction to the North Yorkshire Community Safety Partnership strategic priorities for 2024-2028 along with an overview of the partnership team and its arrangements inclusive of their statutory responsibilities and the connectivity to the Community Safety Hubs.


6.0       CCTV SERVICE


6.1       There are currently CCTV Control Rooms in Harrogate, Scarborough and Northallerton with the provision in Selby being provided by a third party. Harrogate and Scarborough provide a 24 hour / 365-day service.


6.2       The future of CCTV across North Yorkshire is subject to further review and transformation. The aim is to review our existing infrastructure, identify opportunities, maximising technology and working alongside our key partners.







i)      This a highlight introductory report being presented to all Area Committees in North Yorkshire, to discuss with the Area Committee regarding future report needs and the need for a consistent approach including partner contributions i.e. local police input.


ii)     To agree frequency of attendance








Report Author – Julia Stack, Community Safety & CCTV Manager